 Layo1 PCB a must for the creative designer!

Information Layo1 PCB Home  (for students and hobbyists)

The Home versions are suitable for single-sided and double-sided printing.
They have no Gerber or Excellon output and are exclusively for non-commercial purposes.

Layo1 PCB Draw Home Double Sided
is the drawing version with which you can design the most complex prints.
There is no Netlist support, so you have complete freedom in placing and drawing tracks.
You must of course check whether all connections have been made correctly.
Would you like Layo1 PCB to provide extra support during the entire design process,
then the Layo1 PCB Design version is a better choice by using. the use of net and component lists.

With Layo1 PCB Draw you make a print as follows:

Of course you can in between:

It's that simple!

Item Description (unlimited use of program) Price Netlist
8000-SD-A Layo1 PCB TL Student Double Sided     85,00 no
8000-SDO-A Layo1 PCB maintenance subscription Student Double Sided     10,00 no

Maintenance subscriptions

A maintenance subscription costs around 12% per year and entitles you to all
for a year updates and releases that come out for Layo1 PCB.
So you are always up-to-date and can take advantage of the latest developments.
Moreover, you can use our telephone help desk, so that you can quickly get an answer to all your questions.


If you want to order send an Email to
or call our help desk 0341 452969

The prices quoted are exclusive of VAT.